A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service. Our aim for the PPG is to involve participants in shaping the practice to ensure we deliver health care services effectively in a safe and a caring environment that is responsive to patients needs in a well led manner. Our PPG usually meets on the second Tuesday every two months. We are looking for new members to join us. It is very important that the patients of the Practice have a voice and to help support the practice. We are not members of staff but ordinary people who are registered with the surgery. We strive to improve communications between patients and practice, share information, provide feedback from patients and explore their changing needs. If you want to join us please leave your contact details at reception and a member of the group will be in touch. Alternatively, you can send the PPG an email: park.ppg@aol.com